January 24th, 2009

I spent a bit more time on WOD Timer and fixed some issues.
Added features include:
- Full Screen support
- Settings menu - control auto full screen and audio cues
- Audio cues now include vocal, beep and… wait for it… none.
- Added validation on the interval settings fields
Finally, I’ve also built an AIR version of WOD Timer. This version can be installed locally on you computer. Follow the instructions below.
To install locally, you will need to first install the Adobe AIR runtime. You can download and install the runtime from the Adobe Air download page:
As always, leave feedback in the comments section!
6 Comments | In: tools | tags: adobe air, adobe flex, exercise timer, interval timer, online timer, timer, WOD Timer, workout timer. | #
January 19th, 2009
Interval training is huge. It’s a fantastic way to increase the efficiency of a workout and develop increased cardiorespiratory ability and work on metabolic conditioning.
Unfortunately, intervals can be somewhat difficult to time. This is especially the case when you don’t have someone dedicated to be the official “time keeper” for a workout.
In programs such as Crossfit, for example, a workout like the infamous “Fight Gone Bad” requires numerous rounds of numerous sets of intervals. Using a wrist watch or normal digital timer is not necessarily an effective way to time the workout, even when someone is the designated timer.
I figured that having some sort of automated timer would be super nice to have. So I decided to experiment a bit and came up with the WOD Timer.
This is my first Adobe Flex app, so despite the seeming simplicity of the concept, creating this thing admittedly took a while. At the moment it’s in “beta”, but the feature list includes:
- Standard timer
- Countdown timer
- Setup and execute intervals
- Audio notifications of interval and countdown events
- Pause timer by any key press
- Simple, intuitive interface
I’m looking at future enhancements to include things like,
- Background music streaming (possible support for XSPF)
- WOD presets (for programming such as Crossfit)
- Full-screen support
Some feedback on what you would think would be good features for a WOD timer would be appreciated. Let me know in the comments!
6 Comments | In: WOD Timer, crossfit, exercise tools | tags: crossfit, exercise tools, high intensity interval training, hiit, interval timer, interval training, intervals, timer, wod. | #