Flying Rings late 60’s Double Double, Full In-Fullout, Qaudruple

Saw this on youtube by way of twitter. Crazy guys doing some crazy ring work sometime in the 60’s. Really insane stuff, given the lack of protection and arguably technique.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. This is an awesome video, i tried to get into gymnastics many years ago, i was quite thin and athletic at the time and then my twenties changed everything. I now specialise in weight lifting competition, I only wish i had the overall strength and endurance of these guys, they are truely remarkable inspirations to all of us. Plus looking at the safety equipment and rules back in the 60’s, it really shows how soft we are becoming has human kind.

    Rock on the ring masters, awesome

    August 26th, 2009

  2. This is awesome. I am a girls gymnastics coach and it never fails to wow me when our guys get up on the rings. The strength that these boys have blows my mind. I have tried to play on them and can’t even press up,

    September 15th, 2009

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