Men’s Health Urbanathalon and Festival

Men’s Health is hosting their second annual Urbanathalon this month on Sept 29 in NYC and on October 20 in Chicago.

The Urbanathalon is a grueling run through the city, encountering obstacles along the way including a 52 stair climb, marine hurdles, barricade jumping, wall climbing, taxi hurdling and others. It’s a truly urban race.

The event was held in 2006 in New York City. Nearly 1000 participants from all over the World took part in the race.

Following the race, Men’s Health will host a free festival where the public can enjoy music, food and events throughout the day.

It all sounds like a good time. Check out some of the photos and videos from the 2006 race at the Men’s Health Urbanathalon website, here.

One Comment, Comment or Ping

  1. Arminta

    I would like to sign up for next year’s race in New York. Can I please have the details for registration and if possible be put on a newsletter list of some sort? Thanks!

    September 19th, 2008

Reply to “Men’s Health Urbanathalon and Festival”

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