Personal Trainer Guide

I was just searching around the net and I cam across the “ Personal Trainer Program“. This is a free site that contains a great deal of information about setting up a program to help you meet your fitness goals, whether building muscle, losing weight, sexual health, aging gracefully or just generaly staying fit. It can be read in HTML form or downloaded as a PDF or MS Word document.

The program involves the same or similar diet and exercise routines that can be found in a bazillion other places, but has presented the info here in a very easy to read way and combines the whole kitten caboodle into a single concise source. The guide also includes handy calculators and videos to help you modify various elements to suite yourself. There are also great links to other sites and pages with related information that isn’t covered in the guide itself.

For individuals who are looking for free assistance to help them get to where they want to be, I