Saw this on youtube by way of twitter. Crazy guys doing some crazy ring work sometime in the 60’s. Really insane stuff, given the lack of protection and arguably technique.
So my gymnastics rings have been installed in my basement for about a week now and despite daily use, they haven’t fallen down yet. I was unsure, initially, if I’d use them that much. Fortunately, however, any uncertainties can be laid to rest as I’ve been making regular visits downstairs in order to attempt a muscle-up or two or work on some dips and pulls and other ring training exercises.
Over the weekend I got my first at-home muscle-up. It’s a little more difficult on my home setup as the ceiling is only about 7 feet. In order for me to get a pull-up and then be able to get a dip without hitting my head, I’m forced to start from my knees. This makes it difficult to use the hip much in the pull. On Saturday, however, I managed about 5 MU’s throughout the day. Sweet. Definitely need some more ring training though =P
Here’s a short flic of some of my time working some ring training exercises yesterday.
My rings came in a few days ago, shipped from I purchased the Classic Elite Rings as they are on sale for a pretty decent price.
I hung them up in the basement - used a couple of eye bolts and some clasps to secure them in place. Unfortunately there isn’t enough height to get in a muscle up (at least from a standing position), but there’s more than enough room to work on dips, pull ups and all that fun stuff.